Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Donut Holes for Breakfast

My sleep schedule sucks. Working 7p-7a and then trying to be normal on my days off can be a challenge. My plan was to sleep until at least 9am this morning...I awoke at 6:30. Dang.

So I wake up and there are 5 donut holes left from my trip to Dunkin Donuts after a doctor's appointment. They became breakfast.

I am hoping to accomplish lots today! A day at home with my favorite 6 year old and no worries. I'm excited!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

One of THOSE days

Yep, its one of THOSE days. Where I hit the ground running, then come to a grinding halt after only a few hours. Thus is the nature of the SLE beast! I try not to get discouraged, yet I find myself wondering how different my life would be if I were just a regular person, with no chronic disease or stigma attached.

But here I am. I'm alive. That I am thankful for. I see so much sorrow and suffering every 12 hour shift I work. I can always find someone worse off than me. So, blessings counted!

Soon I will be embarking on a new career adventure, and for this I am excited! I believe that God has set everything into place for me to move to a job closer to home, and to the one that is fit just for me. I love my job in Montgomery, but that is the problem; it is an hour away. Ever had a bad lupus day? Car rides don't help. All in all, I feel as if life is going a little fast, and I'm just trying to keep up.